Alexander Unrein
Director, Survey Services, Ocean Technologies
An expert on ocean mapping and measurement.
An expert on ocean mapping and measurement.
Alexander engineers, installs and operates survey and navigational systems and oversees surveys for a wide range of ThayerMahan projects. Among his notable prior projects, he served as lead navigator for the installation of the Block Island Wind Farm power cables, the first offshore wind farm in the United States. The project required the installation and integration of an onboard inertial navigation system, design and fabrication of specialized multi-transducer mounts, precision placement and protection of power cables on the seafloor, setup and calibration of the underwater positioning and sonar systems, and the setup of two-way telemetry aboard the support vessels.
Alexander is one of only approximately 200 active THSOA (the Hydrographic Society of America) Certified Hydrographers in the country, a distinction granted by the National Society of Professional Surveyors. He has a wide range of knowledge and experience conducting and processing hydrographic and geophysical surveys. Prior to joining ThayerMahan, Alexander spent over 2,100 days in the field on over 180 deployments around the country and abroad conducting and managing surveys for both the private and public sector. His work has included performing surveys for a wide range of military facilities and installations.
University of New Hampshire
B.S. (Mechanical Engineering, minor in Ocean Engineering)